August 2018 in Bitdefender antivirus for mac
I had all the folders under my Username folder protected with Safe Files. Between these folders I have the Dropbox folder. About 1 month ago I started receiving a message from Bitdefender every time I restarted the Mac telling me that the app Dropbox was blocked from accessing content. At the same time Dropbox sync stopped working, it was always getting stuck when 94 files were remaining to sync.I had to remove the Dropbox folder from Safe Files for the message to disappear an for Dropbox to start syncing files again.
Any way to solve this issue?
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Roxana G ✭
September 2018
Hello Thorz,
Please make sure that Dropbox is set to Allowed in Managed Application List from Safe Files.
If Dropbox was already set to Allowed, can you please let us know if the app was still present in Managed Application List when it is blocked again by Safe Files?1
September 2018
1 hour ago, Roxana G said:
Hello Thorz,
Please make sure that Dropbox is set to Allowed in Managed Application List from Safe Files.
If Dropbox was already set to Allowed, can you please let us know if the app was still present in Managed Application List when it is blocked again by Safe Files?
Dropbox was already set to allowed underManaged Application List, but now when I check again it is gone. I have manually added Dropbox last week when I posted this thread, why is Bitdefender removing Dropbox from theManaged Application List when I have created an allowed rule for it?
As the problem just continues I had to remove again the /users/%username%/Dropbox folder from Safe Files. Not at all an optimal workaround.
It appears that Bitdefender is removing the Dropbox app from the list of rules and then blocks access to the app.
Await for help with this. Thanks.Roxana G ✭
September 2018
Hello Thorz,
The issue was already acknowledged by our development team and we are currently on a fix.
As a workaround, please proceed as it follows:
- add Dropbox to Manage Applications and set it to Allowed, then apply changes
- remove Dropbox from Manage Applications and apply changes
- add again Dropbox to Manage Applications, set it to Allowed and apply changes.
Please let us know the results.See AlsoIst Dropbox sicher oder sicher zu verwenden? Wie man Dateien schützen kann - MiniToolVorsicht im E-Mail-Postfach: Erpresser-Virus "Locky" verbreitet sich rasant in DeutschlandPlattformübergreifende DateifreigabeReview: Synology BeeStation offers a local network alternative to iCloud and Dropbox cloud storagejoepwillemsen
September 2018
I had the same problem, dropbox was deleted from the allowed applications list every time.
I used the solution posted above from tech support: it worked,drop box is in the list.. But now MS word is suddenly blocked ( no user input).. Seems like a coding bug, the list does not to be working as intended.
MBA-OSX 10.13.6, bit def7.0.1.2 for Mac, paired subscription.
Please fix this
Joep Willemsen, MD PhDRoxana G ✭
September 2018
Please provide us more details about the behavior with MS Word? Is it removed as well from Manage Applications?1
September 2018
MS word is still in the list, but 'allowed' turn to 'blocked, for some reason, after I followed the instructions above to get dropbox in the list. After a restart for the latest bit defender update, I'm back to square 1: dropbox is gone again, and ms word is back to allowed..
Running latest osx version, with FileVault on, and administrative password required for system changes.
Please fix this, or give me a call so I can talk you true it.
Jcn Willemsen, +31652384122Roxana G ✭
September 2018
This is situation is under investigation by our development team. At this moment we do not have an ETA for the fix, but if you would like us to keep you updated, please contact us at
September 2018
yes I would like to be updated:
We have sent you an email. We will get back to you once we have updates on this.Marcel_Reimer ✭
November 2020
5 november 2020. Same problems here. Dropbox folder resides on a seperate HD. I have added and removed the dropbox app several times in the Manage Applications section, and set it to 'allowed'. It works, but for how long? Has there been an update addressing this issue?
iMac 27-inch, Mid-2011, 2,7 GHz Intel Core i5, MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6
Bart023 ✭
December 2020
Will this problem be further explored?I have the same problem here in December 2020. About every week I have to give Dropbox application access to the protected files again because Bitfender keeps blocking it.I am working with macOS BigSur 11.0.1
Piranha ✭
April 2021
I am having exactly the same issue with Dropbox. Every time I manually add it to the allowed applications it disappears again after restarts. Since this thread dates back to 2018, I would have thought this issue would have been resolved by now. I am on BigSur 11.2.3
atpease ✭
April 2021
I am on BigSur 11.3 as well. Same problem as described above by others. On every restart, BitDefender removes DropBox from the approved applications list. Periodically (maybe once in every 10 restarts, BitDefender requires my User password to allow me to add it back as an "Allowed" application. Other times, no password required. This problem did not exist when I first began using BitDefender with Dropbox about a year-and-a half-ago, but it started in early December 2020 and has been a real nuisance ever since.
eakaplan ✭
April 2021
I'm also on BigSur 11.2.3 with the same problem. Bitdefender drops dropbox from its allowed list with every reboot.
andrewwhite ✭
April 2021
Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac continues to block Dropbox. It continues to remove Dropbox from Safe Files Application Access after each restart. This issue was first raised in 2018. It is now 2021. Why hasn't it been fixed?
Clyde_the_artist ✭
May 2021 edited May 2021
I am having the same problem. BitDefender keeps treating Dropbox as though it is a ransomware or similar problem.
I keep getting these messages as I try to access or run the Dropbox app. Been happening throughout 2020 until now. Happens on macOS Catalina, through Big Sur 11.2.3.memelet ✭
May 2021
Same problem with 11.3.1. Dropbox will only run if ~/Dropbox is NOT a protected directory. Dropbox is of course in the application list.
astrocp ✭
May 2021
Same here, every restart has the dropbox error.
About time for a refund from Bitdefender methinks!ogo007
July 2021
Same problem here, it's so annoying. Please fix this!
JimPlaysGolf ✭
July 2021
Big Sur 11.2.3. Every time I reboot, dropbox is removed from the Saf Files Application Access List. Started yesterday. I turned on my computer in the morning, no problem. Turned it off. Drove home. Turned it on. Dropbox wouldn't load. Added it back to the Application List. Dropbox worked. Turned off my computer this morning. Drove to work. Turned on my computer. Dropbox wouldn't load. It is no longer in the application list. Added it back to the list, and Dropbox works again.
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