Code of Student Life (2024)

Copied below is the 2023-24 academic year version of the Code of Student Life, which rules are applicable to reports occurring on or after August 15, 2023.

For any incidents that occurred before August 15, 2023, please use the 2022-2023 Code of Student Life.

Section A: Introduction

What does it mean to be a Hawkeye?

At the University of Iowa, students, staff, faculty, and community members are joined together in a unique and tight-knit community. Our community embraces our core values of diversity, equity, and inclusion while continuing to protect academic freedom and promote free expression. These goals are embodied in the IOWA Challenge, and illustrate what it means to be a true Hawkeye. We excel as individuals and also as a community. We stretch ourselves to experience new, unfamiliar things. We engage in innovative activities and coursework that make a difference in people’s lives and help shape our community. We choose to work hard, to be the best versions of ourselves, and to hold ourselves—and each other—accountable for our actions. Finally, we know that while we are here to serve each other, when we leave, we are prepared to serve the world. This is what it means to be a Hawkeye.

The Code of Student Life

The purpose of the Code of Student Life is to help students learn and grow to become the best version of themselves. Hawkeyes are expected to embody the IOWA Challenge by positively contributing to the community and beyond. This document establishes a framework to ensure our Hawkeye community achieves and upholds the goals and values listed above. The University is committed to due process and fairness when applying these rules and engaging in the Student Accountability Process. When becoming a Hawkeye, you agree to abide by the rules listed in the Code, recognizing that this document helps us maintain a safe, healthy, respectful, and supportive community, embodying the meaning of being a Hawkeye.

Section B: Authority

  1. Pursuant to Iowa Administrative Code, the President is the Chief Administrative Officer for the University of Iowa. The President has nominated, and the Board of Regents has appointed, a Vice President for Student Life with overall responsibility for student-related matters. This includes, but is not limited to, allegations and resolution of student misconduct. The Vice President for Student Life has, in turn, delegated considerable authority for the establishment and handling of rules and policy violations to the Associate Vice President and Dean of Students and designees. This includes the Associate Dean of Accountability and Care, staff in the Office of Student Accountability (OSA), and University Housing and Dining staff members.
  2. At all times, full and complete text of the Code of Student Life and other general University rules and regulations of personal conduct currently in effect, including all amendments, must be on file in the Office of Student Accountability, and must be available for inspection by students.
  3. This Code may be amended at any time by authority of the President of the University. Amendments are effective upon approval by the President and publication on the Dean of Students website. Students must be notified of any amendment by mass electronic mailing, which will be considered adequate notice to all students.

Section C: Definitions

Campus Property

  1. University-owned, leased, or operated property, including academic buildings and campus facilities.
  2. Streets & pathways contiguous to or in the immediate vicinity of campus
  3. University housing
    1. Residence Halls
    2. Apartments
  4. Property, facilities, and leased premises of organizations affiliated with the University, including fraternity and sorority chapter structures

Classroom An instructional setting which includes, lecture halls, class or discussion rooms, virtual instructional setting, laboratory, or clinic, or practicum experience.

Property – Goods, personal belongings, buildings, equipment, automobiles, landscaping, real estate and all other tangible things.

Reasonable Person – A standard which the Office of Student Accountability uses to assess if the alleged behavior described in an incident was a violation of the Code of Student Life. Specifically, a “reasonable person” means how an ordinarily prudent and rational person under similar circ*mstances and with similar identities would be expected to react.

Responding Student – A student who has allegedly engaged in behavior that may be a violation of the Code of Student Life. This term specifically refers to instances when the University has sent a letter to a student alleging that specific rules or policies have been violated, and that the matter will be addressed through the Student Accountability Procedure.

University Instructors – Individuals leading students in the educational or research efforts of the university, including faculty members, teaching assistants, and research assistants.

Weapon – Serviceable firearms, taser, ammunition, explosives, fireworks, or other dangerous articles, paintball markers and other devices that fire projectiles, and devices that resemble serviceable weapons such as a pellet gun or toy gun that a reasonable observer would believe to be a gun. This also includes other weapons or dangerous objects such as arrows, axes, machetes, nun chucks, throwing stars, or non-cooking knives with a blade longer than four inches.

Section D: Jurisdiction

1. Applicable Policies, Rules, and Regulations

Any student is subject to discipline by the University of Iowa Office of Student Accountability (OSA) if they are found to have engaged in behavior prohibited by policies, rules, or regulations of The University of Iowa that occur within the jurisdictional reach of the University of Iowa.

Applicable policies, rules, or regulations include but are not limited to:

  1. The Code of Student Life
  2. The University Operations Manual, Section II (Community Policies) and Section IV (Students), including dating/domestic violence and stalking
  3. The Board of Regents, State of Iowa, policies and rules related to students
  4. Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconducty Policy
  5. Discipline of Registered Student Organizations
  6. Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources
  7. University of Iowa Housing and Dining policies (see section F. below)
  8. Anti-Harassment Policy

In consultation with the applicable office, OSA may also enforce or apply policies, rules, or regulations communicated by any University of Iowa College, Department, Unit, Program, Office or Facility

2. Discipline Based on Office of Institutional Equity Findings

As required, the Office of Student Accountability will consult with the Title IX Coordinator to determine and impose appropriate sanctions for any student found responsible for violating the Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy.

The Office of Student Accountability will consult with the Director of Equity Investigations and ADA Coordinator to determine and impose appropriate sanctions for any student found responsible for violating university policies related to bias, harassment, discrimination, equity, or free speech by the Office for Institutional Equity.

3. Constitutional Rights

No policy, rule, or regulation can be interpreted in a way that conflicts with a student’s protected rights under The United States Constitution or The Constitution of the State of Iowa.

Nothing in this code can be interpreted to override a student’s right to Freedom of Expression under the First Amendment of The United States Constitution. In keeping with our values of diversity, equity, and inclusion, we note that the principle of “Freedom of Speech” does have recognized limits such that a student could be subject to discipline if that speech constitutes Threatening Behavior (E.10), Terroristic Threats (E.11), Harassment (Operations Manual II – Chapter 14).

The University’s Office of Institutional Equity is charged with implementation of equal opportunity, affirmative action, and diversity policies, including compliance with federal/state/local laws and university policy prohibiting discrimination based on protected classes.

4. Who is considered a “Student” for these purposes?

  1. Regardless of whether school is in session, an individual is considered a "STUDENT” of The University of Iowa if at least one of the following is true:
    1. They have been accepted to any academic program of The University of Iowa
    2. They are admitted to any college of The University of Iowa
    3. They are currently registered or have future registration in courses at the University
      1. full-time
      2. part-time
      3. including distance learning courses or others
    4. They are enrolled in a university-sponsored program, including, but not limited to:
      1. Orientation
      2. Study abroad
      3. The 2 Plus 2 plan
      4. The REACH Program
    5. An individual is also considered a “student” until actual awarding of a degree
      • If a student's degree has not yet been awarded, it may be held until the student accountability process has completed and all sanctions, if applicable, have been satisfactorily completed, even if the student has satisfied academic requirements for the degree (graduate or undergraduate).
  2. Withdrawal (including during a semester) does not end jurisdiction under these rules for acts which occurred while an individual was considered a student.
  3. If an individual is not currently registered for a particular term, they are still considered a student for these purposes for twelve months after the individual’s last registered enrollment in any course or program of the University of Iowa, unless the individual would be required to re-apply for admission.
  4. If an individual is not currently registered, but a report is filed against the individual, the Associate Dean, Accountability and Care may:
    1. Proceed with an investigation, or
    2. Restrict future registration, delay investigation, and/or resolve the report at a later date when or if the individual seeks to register in a university course or program.

5. What locations are considered within the jurisdictional reach of The University of Iowa under these rules?

  1. The University of Iowa asserts jurisdiction over behavior which occurs on-campus.
  2. The University of Iowa asserts jurisdiction over off-campus behavior that affects a clear and distinct interest of the University. The Associate Dean, Accountability and Care, makes the determination of “clear and distinct interest” by considering whether the behavior:
    1. Is directed at a university student or other member of the University community
    2. Occurs at a University-sponsored or authorized activity, including:
      1. Sporting or other event
      2. Educational activity, such as
        1. Internship
        2. Service-learning experience
        3. Field trip
        4. Study-abroad experience
      3. Student organization-sponsored activity
    3. Occurs while an involved party was acting in an official capacity for the University
    4. Constitutes a violation of:
      1. Federal law
      2. State law or ordinance
      3. Local law or ordinance
      4. Demonstrates a threat to campus safety and security, no matter where it occurs
    5. Involves alcohol, drugs, or acts of violence (or threats of violence) in Johnson County, IA. Such behaviors are presumed to demonstrate a threat to campus safety and security.
    6. Or otherwise affects a clear and distinct interest as articulated by the Office of Student Accountability
  3. The University of Iowa asserts jurisdiction over some on-line or electronic behaviors. It is often difficult to determine the precise location of online or electronic activities. For this reason, the University of Iowa asserts that online or electronic behaviors by a University of Iowa student are considered to affect a clear and distinct interest of the University. Therefore, so long as the behavior is not protected expression under either The United States Constitution or The Constitution of the State of Iowa, it could be considered a violation of the Code.
6. The Student Accountability Process
  1. The procedures used by OSA to determine whether a student has violated a policy, rule or regulation are found in the Accountability Procedures.
  2. Proceedings under the Code of Student Life may be initiated against students charged with a violation of federal, state, or local law or ordinances. These proceedings may be carried out before, at the same time, or after civil or criminal proceedings. Because the Code of Student Life is separate from the legal process, responsibility for one does not automatically mean responsibility for both. Therefore, participating in the Student Accountability Process would not be considered double jeopardy within the legal process. Decisions about the timing of university proceedings will be within the sole discretion of the Associate Dean, Accountability and Care.
  3. If a student violates policies, rules, or regulations within University of Iowa Housing and Dining facilities, they are generally subject to the procedures followed by Housing and Dining. However, the Associate Dean, Accountability and Care, may choose to transfer the matter to the Office of Student Accountability.
  4. For a Student University employee, misconduct may be resolved under the Code of Student Life, Human Resources policies, and/or the policies administered by the Office of Institutional Equity.

Section E: Prohibited Misconduct

Any student found to have committed any of the following listed behaviors and within the jurisdiction of this policy, as defined in Section D, is subject to discipline by The University of Iowa, Office of Student Accountability and its designees.

General Behaviors

  1. Academic Misconduct
  2. Criminal Conduct
  3. Collusion
  4. Use of Falsified Documents

Interference with University Operations

  1. Disruptive Behavior
  2. Failure to Comply with University Directive
  3. Trespassing
  4. Abuse of the Student Accountability System
  5. Misuse of IT Resources

Behavior Endangering Health or Safety

  1. Threatening Behavior
  2. Terroristic Threat(s)
  3. Self-Destructive Behavior
  4. Alcohol Misconduct
  5. Use or Possession of Drugs or Drug Paraphernalia
  6. Smoking

Harm to Persons or Property

  1. Assaultive Behavior
  2. Harassment
  3. Theft
  4. Vandalism
  5. Use or Possession of Weapons
  6. Arson/Fire Violations
  7. Explosives and Combustibles
  8. Unauthorized Audio/Video/Photo
  9. Hazing

General Behaviors: E.1 - E.4

E.1 Academic Misconduct
Any dishonest or fraudulent conduct related to an academic exercise, such as

  • unauthorized use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools (e.g. ChatGPT)
  • cheating
  • plagiarism
  • forgery
  • misrepresentation regarding the circ*mstances of the above, grades, a student’s non-attendance, late assignment, status of matriculation, previous work or educational experience
  • assisting, (including aiding or abetting) another person to do any of the above

“Dishonest” conduct includes, but is not limited to, attempts by students to cheat, misrepresent, aid, or abet another person to do the same, whether or not the attempts are successful.

Academic exercises covered by this rule include:

  • classroom assignments (such as examinations, papers, or research)
  • out-of-classroom activities that are related to an academic exercise at or through the University (resumes, transcripts, interviews, projects, practicum, internship and/or externship assignments off campus, University employment, or discussions with University Instructors, staff or administration for example).

The acquisition of honors, awards, degrees, academic record notations, course enrollments, credits, grades, or certifications (including language proficiency or professional licensure or other endorsem*nt) by any dishonest means is strictly prohibited.

Resolution of academic misconduct reports will be handled within the college or department concerned, with provision for appeal (see the Academic Misconduct policy for more information).

E.2 Criminal Conduct
A violation of any federal, state, or local law or ordinance.

  • May include a violation of a court order (including no-contact orders)
  • May include failure to comply with law enforcement warnings (including harassment or trespass warnings)

E.3 Collusion
Assisting (including plotting, aiding, or abetting), encouraging (including inciting), or attempting to assist or encourage another individual to commit a violation of any University policy, rule, or regulation.

E.4 Use of Falsified Documents
Knowingly possessing or providing any of the below to any University employee or office, or providing to third parties:

  • False, falsified, or forged, documents, identification, materials, accounts, records, or financial instruments

Interference with University Operations: E.5 - E.9

E.5 Disruptive Behavior
Behavior which disrupts the orderly operation of authorized University activities.

This includes behavior in the following locations:

  • In an instructional setting, which includes classrooms, online, or examination settings
  • In a laboratory or other research setting
  • At a location used for the operation or administration of university business, including temporary locations
  • At an on-campus location hosting an authorized non-University activity or
  • At University activities held on-campus or off-campus

This also specifically includes the following behaviors from any location:

  • Interfering with a University instructor’s ability to teach or manage the instructional setting
  • Substantially interfering with another student’s ability to learn
  • Inhibiting access to facilities, pedestrian pathways or vehicular traffic
  • Disrupting or hindering emergency services, investigations, or disciplinary proceedings
  • Falsely reporting an emergency or terroristic threat in any form
  • Tampering with or improper activation of fire prevention equipment on campus
  • Protesting or demonstrating within the interior of any property owned, leased or controlled by the University, except as specifically authorized by the University
    • Authorized protests or demonstrations may be subject to reasonable conditions to protect the rights and safety of other persons and to prevent damage to property

Besides actions taken by the Office of Student Accountability under the Student Accountability Procedure, a university instructor has the authority to respond to disruptive actions by:

  • Determining classroom seating patterns or
  • Imposing a one-day suspension by requiring that a student immediately exit the instructional or research setting

Instructors who impose a one-day suspension are asked to report the incident to the Office of Student Accountability and the appropriate department and college for determination if additional action is needed.

E.6 Failure to Comply with University Directive
A failure to comply with the reasonable directive(s) of any University employee when that employee is acting in the performance of their duties.

This specifically includes:

  • Failure to identify yourself when requested to do so
  • Failure to comply with a reasonable directive from a university instructor
  • Failure to adhere to the outcome of an accountability process and/or no-contact directives

Besides proceedings by the Office of Student Accountability, a university instructor has the authority to respond to an intentional or reckless failure to comply by:

  • Determining classroom seating patterns or
  • Imposing a one-day suspension by requiring that a student immediately exit the instructional or research setting

Instructors who impose a one-day suspension are asked to report the incident to the Office of Student Accountability and the appropriate department and college for determination if additional action is needed.

E.7 Trespassing
Trespassing includes:

  • Unauthorized entry into or unauthorized occupation of any campus buildings or other campus property, including accessing roof and fire escapes
  • Unauthorized or improper use of university property, including but not limited to equipment or facilities.
  • Unauthorized possession, use, or duplication of university keys, cards, codes, or other methods of access.

E.8 Abuse of the Student Accountability System
Abuse of the Student Accountability System, includes:

  • Disruption or interference with the orderly conduct of a proceeding governed by the Accountability Procedure;
  • Falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation to a university investigator, official, or hearing officer as part of the Accountability Procedure; or
  • Failure to comply with interim or final sanction(s) imposed pursuant to a report of misconduct governed by the Accountability Procedures.

E.9 Misuse of IT Resources
Behavior which violates the University's Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources policy, including attempting to do so or assisting another to do so.

In summary, Students violate this policy by:

  • Disrupting access of other students, University Instructors, or staff members to university computer or other IT resources;
  • Obtaining or using a password or account assigned to another person without permission from that person;
  • Using University computer or other IT resources to interfere with the rights of others, including damaging programs or equipment belonging to another;
  • Sending harassing or threatening material electronically;
  • Accessing confidential information without proper authorization;
  • Duplicating copyrighted software unlawfully; or
  • Downloading from the internet and/or uploading to the internet a copyrighted music file or video file using University computer equipment, University IT, or the University network without express permission from the copyright holder.

Behavior Endangering Health or Safety: E.10 - E.15

E.10 Threatening Behavior
Threatening behavior, written or verbal, directed toward a specific individual or individuals causing a reasonable person to believe that the person making the threat:

  • Intended to carry out the threat to harm their health, safety, or property, and
  • Had the ability to carry out the threat

Online / internet threats are examples of threatening behavior when there is severe behavior that fulfills the above and when the behaviors are not protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

E.11 Terroristic Threat
Issuing a credible and substantial threat of:

  • Violence
  • Use of a weapon, including guns
  • A bomb or explosive device
  • Use of a chemical or biological agent
  • A cyber threat with the potential to adversely impact university operations (including mission, functions, image, or reputation), institutional assets, individuals, or university organizations through an information system via unauthorized access, destruction, disclosure, modification of information, and/or denial of service.

E.12 Self-Destructive Behavior
Behavior which harms or threatens to harm the health or safety of oneself. Self-destructive behavior that poses an actual risk to the student’s health or safety is one type of misconduct that falls within the scope of this policy.

E.13 Alcohol Misconduct.
Consumption, possession, distribution, or sale of alcoholic beverages in violation of the law or University Policy. Prohibited behaviors include:

  • Having alcohol in campus buildings and/or on campus property without authorized use
  • Alcohol use which results in transport to the hospital by emergency medical personnel
  • A violation of this policy could include, but is not limited to being convicted or accepting a plea agreement for the following criminal charges:
    • Public Intoxication
    • Possession of Alcohol Under the Legal Age
    • Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated
  • This includes policies specifically written for students living in the Residence Halls. See Rules F.1 and F.2 for more information.

E.14 Use or Possession of Drugs or Drug Paraphernalia.
Consumption, possession, distribution, or sale of drugs, possession of drug paraphernalia, distribution of prescription medications and possession or consumption of prescriptions that are not prescribed to you in violation of the law or University Policy. Substances that may be detrimental to health, even though not subject to state and federal laws are included in this policy. Prohibited behaviors include:

  • Drug use, which results in transport to the hospital by emergency medical personnel
  • A violation of this policy could include, but is not limited to being convicted or accepting a plea agreement for the following criminal charges:
    • Public Intoxication
    • Possession of a Controlled Substance
    • Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
    • Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated
  • This includes policies specifically written for students living in the Residence Halls. See Rules F.1 and F.2 for more information.

E.15 Smoking.
The use of tobacco is prohibited on campus

This includes:

  • Smokeless tobacco products (including chewing tobacco, vaporizers, e-cigarettes and other electronic nicotine delivery systems)
  • Tobacco smoking products (including cigarettes and hookahs)

Harm to Persons or Property: E.16 - E.24

E.16 Assaultive Behavior
Any unwelcome physical contact that is directed at a specific person and is intentional or reckless that involves:

Making physical contact with another person through:

  • Striking
  • Slapping
  • Hitting
  • Punching
  • Shoving
  • Kicking
  • Other contact of similar intensity or seriousness

Self-defense, as defined by the Iowa Code, may be considered in determining responsibility.

E.17 Harassment
Behavior which violates the University's Anti-Harassment policy (Operations Manual II – Chapter 14).

E.18 Theft
Possession or taking of property that does not belong to the student.

This includes:

  • Intentional and unauthorized taking of university property;
  • Possession of stolen property;
  • Attempt of any of the above listed behaviors;
  • Unauthorized use of a:
    • Credit card
    • Debit card
    • Student identification card
    • Cell phone
    • Personal identification number
    • University Bill account information or
    • Personal check.
  • "Property" as defined in Section C

E.19 Vandalism
Intentional or reckless destruction, damage, defacement, misuse or mutilation of

  • Property that does not belong to the student including:
  • University property
  • University structures (for example: buildings or grounds) or
  • Property belonging to another community member

This includes:

  • Attempt of any the listed behaviors
  • “Property” as defined in Section C.

E.20 Use or Possession of Weapons.
Use or possession of weapons on campus, unless otherwise permitted by law.

  • Although non-projectile high-voltage pulse weapons are permissible on the University campus, they are prohibited in any facility leased, owned, or operated by University of Iowa Health Care, as well as University stadiums.
  • On campus, as defined in Section D, includes the storage of any item that falls within the category of a weapon in a vehicle parked on campus property.

E.21 Arson/Fire Violations
Intentional or reckless setting of fires without proper authority

  • In any University building or
  • On University property

E.22 Explosives/Combustibles
The unauthorized possession, use, misuse, storage, or distribution on campus of:

  • Any type of fireworks
  • Ammunition/gun powder
  • Fuses
  • Explosives/combustibles of any kind
  • Chemicals
  • Propane tanks

E.23 Unauthorized Audio/Video/Photo

Making audio, video, or photo recording of any person other than yourself in a private or intimate space without the other person's prior knowledge and consent if a reasonable person would find that it would cause injury or distress to the subject of the recording. A "reasonable person" is defined in Section C.

  • Images or sounds taken in a private or intimate space include but are not limited to:
    • Locker room
    • Restroom or
    • Bedroom

Sending, distributing, uploading to the internet, or transmitting any audio, video, or photo without consent, even if the person gave consent for the recording, video, or photograph(s) to be made, is also prohibited.

E.24 Hazing
In accordance with Iowa state law, hazing is defined as any intentional or reckless behavior, action or situation, occurring with or without consent that:

  • endangers or creates risk of injury,
  • creates mental or physical discomfort,
  • hinders student engagement,
  • harasses,
  • embarrasses and/or ridicules a person,

This would include:

  • Assisting, or
  • Approving (implicitly or explicitly), or
  • Organizing, or
  • Or otherwise participating in

For the purpose of:

  • initiation into, or
  • affiliation with, or
  • as a condition for continued membership or a leadership role in any student organization, fraternity, sorority, or team recognized by any other University sponsor or department

Section F: Special Rules for Housing and Dining Facilities

F.1 In the Presence of Alcohol
Being present where consumption, possession, distribution, or sale of alcoholic beverages in a residence hall is taking place.

F.2 Empty Alcohol Containers
Being in possession of empty alcohol containers is prohibited in the residence halls.

F.3 In the Presence of Drugs
Being present where consumption, possession, distribution, or sale of drugs, or other controlled substances or drug paraphernalia in a residence hall space is taking place.

F.4 Quiet Hours and Courtesy Hours
Residence Hall Quiet Hours are:

  • Sunday – Thursday 11:00 pm – 7:00 am
  • Friday – Saturday 1:00 am – 9:00 am.

At the end of the semester, there will be postings to share the extended quiet hours and 24-hour quiet hours policies. When Quiet Hours are in effect no noise should be heard from another room or area. Courtesy Hours are always in effect, which means residents must comply with the requests of others to lessen or eliminate noise.

F.5 Guest Policy
Only students who have signed residence hall contracts are permitted to live in residence halls. A guest is defined as a person who does not hold a contract for the individual room or building where the policy violation takes place.

  • Residents are responsible for the behavior of their guests and should always escort their guests in residence hall spaces. Guests who violate residence hall policies will be asked to leave the residence hall and their host will be held responsible for the policy violation. If the guest is a student at the University of Iowa, they will also go through the Student Accountability process.
  • No guest may stay for more than three nights within a fourteen-day period.

F.6 Windows and Screens
Screens are not to be unhooked or removed from windows for any reason. Residents of a room or building are responsible for any objects ejected from windows, fire escapes or roofs. Windows are not to be used for entrances or exits. Windows should remain closed during periods of high winds and/or heavy rains, times of cold temperatures, and any time instructions are sent to students by University Housing & Dining staff.

F.7 Keys and Prox Cards
Residence Hall keys and building access cards (student ID or temporary Prox card issued by front desk) must remain in the possession of the resident of the room/building at all times. Residents should not loan their key, student ID, Prox card to anyone else.

All residence hall keys and Prox cards must be returned when residents vacate their room. Residents will be responsible for the cost of replacing lost keys and Prox cards, including if the temporary Prox card is not returned by the deadline given at the time when it was issued to the resident. If the misplaced key or card is found after a replacement has been issued the charge will not be refunded.

F.8 Pets
Pets are not permitted in the residence halls except for fish in tanks no larger than 5 gallons. Pets are prohibited from entering the buildings even on a “visiting” or “temporary” basis, including during residence hall move-in and move-out. Pets found in the residence halls will be subject to immediate removal and transfer to Iowa City Animal Control authorities if unable to move to an off-campus location within twenty-four hours. A resident who has been granted a medical accommodation for an emotional support animal (ESA) cannot bring the animal to another residence hall room or common area.

Residents bringing a service animal, or who may need an emotional support animal due to a medical accommodation, should contact Contracts and Assignments for more information. This accommodation must be granted prior to bringing the animal into the hall.

F.9 Electrical Appliances
All appliances must be in good working order. Extension cords must be UL (certified by Underwriters Laboratories) approved. Rooms are not wired to permit the use of any large electrical appliances including air conditioners or space heaters. In rooms where a window air conditioner unit is provided, residents may not use an extension cord to power the air conditioner or plug it into a different outlet than the one that is directly next to it.

F.10 Cooking Appliances
Appliances that have an exposed heating element, use cooking greases or have an open flame are prohibited. Only residents that have a contract for a residence hall room with a kitchen may use toaster ovens in the kitchen area.

Residents should refer to for a list of prohibited items.

F.11 Refrigerators
Only one refrigerator (personal or department issued) is allowed per single or double room/suite. Residents living in a room with a kitchen or a kitchenette where a refrigerator is provided, are prohibited from having additional refrigerator(s). Residents living with more than one other roommate (i.e. triple or quad) may have up to two mini refrigerators. Refrigerators brought by residents must be UL approved and may not exceed five cubic feet.

Residents in need of an additional refrigerator due to a medical accommodation should refer to for more information.

F.12 Elevators
The following actions are prohibited on elevators: damage or vandalism (including purposeful disruption, i.e.: jumping), use of emergency alarms/stops in situations other than an emergency, unauthorized use of an elevator key, or giving elevator access to someone else who would not otherwise have access.

F.13 Room and Door Decorations
Decorations may not obstruct doorways, corridors, stairways or any means of exit. Decorations are prohibited from being attached or suspended from lighting fixtures, ceiling tile framework, pipes, or firefighting equipment including sprinkler piping or sprinkler heads. Decorations or furnishings permanently attached (i.e., drilled, screwed, or nailed) to the ceiling, walls, floor, door, or provided furniture are prohibited.

  • Decorative Lights: Lights on metal trees or artificial decorations that are made of combustible materials are prohibited. Rooms must not be left unattended with holiday or decorative lights on.
  • Flammable and combustible materials (i.e., paper, posters, wrapping paper, ribbon, tinsel, post-it notes, etc.) on student room doors must be kept to a minimum (no more than 25% of the door may be covered). Residents may not write on, drill or permanently damage room doors.

F.14 Hall Sports
Athletic events including using rollerblades, roller skates, bicycles, scooters, or skateboards, throwing or bouncing balls or any athletic equipment are prohibited in the residence halls. Hall sports can also include activities such as running/racing, jousting, gymnastics, “rough housing”, etc.

F.15 Improper Room Change and Use of Unoccupied Space
Residents with unoccupied space in their room must keep one half of the room ready for a new roommate to move in at any time. Residents should not allow another individual to move into an unoccupied space that was not approved by University Housing and Dining. Students wishing to change/transfer rooms must be approved by University Housing and Dining staff. Failure to complete all necessary paperwork before moving is prohibited.

F.16 Room and Building Furnishings
All furniture issued to a student room must stay in that room (i.e. chair, dresser, bulletin board, mattress, bed, trash can, recycling container, etc.). Equipment and furnishings in lounges, study areas, or any other general-purpose space of the residence halls may not be removed or transferred to individual student rooms.

  • Changing the bed configuration (including de-lofting) must be facilitated by appropriate University Housing & Dining staff. This can be requested by submitting a work order at the front desk for adjustment.
  • Water beds, hot tubs, and pools are prohibited.

F.17 Commercial Activity/Business
Residents are not permitted to utilize their room for any commercial purpose and for licensed and unlicensed businesses. Solicitation and posting of flyers without approval is not allowed in the residence halls.

F.18 Trash
Residents are responsible for disposing of their own trash and recycling in the designated areas within and around the residence halls, this includes not leaving trash in or next to smaller trash bins around the residence halls. Residents also must remove trash from rooms prior to leaving for university breaks. Residents that have opted into the composting program must follow all requirements and bring materials to the designated areas.

F.19 Disruptive Event
Individual or group activities within any area of the residence hall that cause a disturbance, obstruct or disrupt disciplinary procedures, University Housing procedures or events, or the residence hall community.

F.20 Possession of Candles and Incense
Candles and incense (lit or unlit) are prohibited in the residence halls.

Code of Student Life (2024)
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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.