Year 8 - Parliamentary Education Office (2024)

Inquiry questions

What are the freedoms and responsibilities of citizens in Australia’s democracy?

How are laws made and applied in Australia?

What different perspectives are there about national identity?

Topic 1: Belonging and identity

Introduction to democracy (15 min)

Ask students to write on a sticky note one thing they value about living in our democracy. On a classroom wall or a digital mind-map tool, share the following 4 elements of Australian democracy, and ask students to place their values against the element of democracy it best fits:

  • free and fair franchised elections
  • rule of law
  • equity
  • freedom

Ask students to explain their choices and encourage the class to add more examples as the conversation continues. You can extend the conversation by using the Unpack democracy Classroom activity or by asking questions such as:

  • What do you value about our way of life in Australia?
  • How do you think our way of life is different and similar to other countries around the world?
  • Do you how life has changed in Australia over time? What might life have been like 100 years ago or 300 years ago?
  • Do you know how the elements of our democracy—including our freedoms—are protected in Australia?
  • What else should we add to this brainstorm to describe what it means to be Australian?

Diverse electorates (45 min)

Show the class the Australian Electoral Commission’s map of Australian electorates. Remind students there are 151 electorates in Australia, each with approximately 100 000 voters. Ask students to consider how life is different across our country and how this might affect what people in those communities value about living in Australia. Ask students to select 3 electorates (their own, an electorate from another state or territory and an electorate that is either larger or smaller than their own) and to make notes about each electorate on WS1 Research Australian electorates. They can research electorates at the Australian Electoral Commission and at the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Australian identities (30 min)

Ask students to think about the many different groups in Australia such as sporting groups, social groups, special interest groups or service groups. In small groups, students discuss and complete WS2 Australian identities and use the National symbols fact sheet to complete the fourth column.

Explain to students that freedom of religion is one of the few rights protected in the Australian Constitution. Ask small groups to research one of the following religions that are practiced in Australia: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism or another religion. Groups should present their research as an info graphic or poster. The Cultural Atlas is a good place for students to begin their research.

After students have finished their research, consider the following reflection prompts. This could be done as a journal reflection, a 30 second video recording or a class discussion.

  • What 3 values do you consider to be crucial features of Australian identity?
  • Why are these values important?
  • Do you think the groups you listed in the worksheet would identify with the same values as you?
  • Even if some of their values are different, do these groups demonstrate an Australian identity?

Topic 2: Laws

Where laws come from (30 min)

Explain to students that laws that guide Australian life are made by parliaments and courts. By understanding where laws come from, citizens can contribute to law-making processes. You could show students either the State Library of New South Wales How laws are made video (10 min 47 sec) or the New South Wales State Library How laws are made - Courts video (8 min 31 sec) to provide an overview of the types of laws made by parliaments and courts in Australia.

Sources of laws (120 min)

Review the different sources of law in Australia—statute law, delegated law and common law—with the Sources of law fact sheet and then play the Sources of lawquiz or Sources of law Kahoot!

Review parliamentary law with the Pass the bill interactive and the Bills and laws quiz or Bills and laws Kahoot!

Optional: Ask students to research bills the Australian parliament is currently considering or has considered. Small groups could each research different bills, and present to the class their summary of the purpose of the proposed law. They can visitthe Australian Parliament House website for a full list of current and past bills.

Review the Delegated law fact sheet. You could ask students to highlight key ideas on the fact sheet and summarise the information in their workbooks. Have students complete WS3 Party planning to provide a practical experience of delegation.

Explore the way precedent operates in common law with this scenario activity from Discovering Democracy.

Complete this review of sources of laws in Australia by discussing:

  • What laws in Australia have an impact on your daily life?
  • Are there other sources of law in Australia?
  • What other sorts of regulation or rules or law are important in Australia? You could discuss the customary law of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. The TimeBase Australian Legislation could provide a framework for this discussion.

Topic 3: Active citizenship

Introduction (25 min)

Remind students that citizen participation is a crucial part of a healthy democracy. Use the Getting involved in parliament fact sheet to review these ideas and then play the Getting involved quiz or Getting involved Kahoot! Make sure students are clear about the ways they can get involved:

  • voting
  • contacting their elected representative
  • lobbying
  • direct action

As a class, brainstorm issues students believe require action. Issues could relate to their school, services and facilities in their local community, or a broader issue in society. You may like to give students time to research this using local media.

Parliamentary committees (75 min)

As a class, review the Committees fact sheet and the Parliamentary committees video (2 min 49 sec) to build understanding of how citizens can participate in Australia’s democracy with parliamentary committees. Then use the Run a parliamentary committee Classroom activity to get a hands on understanding of how committees work.

Assessment: Write a committee submission (120 min)

The Write a committee submission Classroom activity can be used as the assessment item for this Unit of work. Students will research one of the witness group perspectives from their role play and write a persuasive committee submission. Alternately you could research the current inquiries before the Australian Parliament and consider making a class submission to a real inquiry if it is relevant to your students and their study.

This task is aligned to the achievement standard for the Year 8 Civics and Citizenship Curriculum, including the skills component. Teachers will need to develop an appropriate marking criterion and rubric.

Reflection (15 min)

Conclude the unit by asking the class to reflect on their initial brainstorm about democratic rights, and discuss the types of rights and freedoms in Australia that enable citizen participation in democracy. Ask students to consider other ways they could be involved in the issue they identified.

  • Bills and laws
  • Getting involved
  • Parliament at work
  • Years 7+8
Year 8 - Parliamentary Education Office (2024)


What is the meaning of caucus in Australia? ›

caucus. 1. the meeting of the parliamentary members of a political party. 2. the members of Parliament belonging to a particular political party, used particularly in relation to the Australian Labor Party.

How are the elements of our democracy, including our freedoms, protected in Australia? ›

Unlike most similar liberal democracies, Australia does not have a Bill of Rights. Instead, protections for human rights may be found in the Constitution and in legislation passed by the Commonwealth Parliament or State or Territory Parliaments. There are five explicit individual rights in the Constitution.

What are the five major political parties in Australia? ›

Parliamentary parties
ALPAustralian Labor Party
L/NPCoalitionLiberal Party
National Party
GRNAustralian Greens
5 more rows

What is the party system in Australia? ›

Since 1910, Australia has generally had majority governments under which either the Australian Labor Party or a coalition of non-Labor parties has held office. There are three main parties represented in the House of Representatives—the Australian Labor Party, the Liberal Party of Australia, and the Nationals.

Why do they call it a caucus? ›

Native American. James Hammond Trumbull suggested to the American Philological Association that the word comes from an Algonquian word for "counsel", cau´-cau-as´u. It might also derive from the Algonquian cawaassough, meaning an advisor, talker, or orator. This explanation was favored by Charles Dudley Warner.

What is a caucus in simple terms? ›

Caucuses are meetings run by political parties that are held at the county, district, or precinct level. Some caucuses choose candidates by secret ballot. Others require participants to divide themselves into groups according to the candidate they support. Undecided participants form their own group.

Is Australia becoming a third world country? ›

From 1995 to 2023, Australia's economic complexity fell from 57 to 93, behind Uganda; a decline that is accelerating: in 2019, Australia ranked 79th for economic complexity, behind Kazakhstan. Australia is ranked 50 places below Canada.

What are 5 Australian values? ›

Australian values
  • ​mutual respect.
  • tolerance.
  • compassion for those in need.
  • equality of opportunity for all.
Feb 29, 2024

What are the five rights in Australia? ›

The Australian Government is committed to protecting and promoting traditional rights and freedoms, including freedom of speech, opinion, religion, association and movement.

What is the most conservative city in Australia? ›

Mitchell is the most conservative metropolitan electorate and the second most conservative electorate in Australia after the Division of Maranoa.

Who is in power in Australia right now? ›

Prime Minister of Australia

Mr Albanese is also the leader of the Australian Labor Party.

Is Australia a liberal democracy? ›

Australia is the only liberal democracy that does not have an act or charter of rights at the national level, and there are currently very few legal protections for the fundamental rights of Australians.

Who is the current prime minister in Australia? ›

Anthony Norman Albanese ( /ˌælbəˈniːzi/ AL-bə-NEEZ-ee or /ˈælbəniːz/ AL-bə-neez; born 2 March 1963) is an Australian politician serving as the 31st and current prime minister of Australia since 2022.

Which states in Australia are liberal? ›

At state and territory level, the Liberal Party is in office in only one state: Tasmania, as of 2014. The party is in opposition in the states of New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, and Western Australia, and in both the ACT and Northern Territory.

Who is the king's representative in Australia? ›

The Governor-General is the King's representative in Australia.

Who are caucus members? ›

In addition to the term caucus, they are sometimes called coalitions, study groups, task forces, or working groups. Caucuses typically have bipartisan membership and have co-chairs from each party.

What is a caucus and how is it different from a committee? ›

Unlike Committees, Members can usually join a Caucus without being appointed and there's no limit on the number of members. Caucuses generally serve to build voting coalitions.

What is the synonym of caucus? ›

On this page you'll find 13 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to caucus, such as: convention, gathering, meeting, session, assembly, and conclave.

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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.