7.11 Arts and Crafts: Other Arts and Crafts (2024)

In Volume 2: Mathematics; Weights, and Measures; Astronomy, and Astrology; Geography; Medicine; Encyclopaedias, and Miscellanies; Arts and Crafts, Science, Occult Arts

previous chapter: 7.10 Arts of War and Swordsmanship

§ 738. Mīr Abū ’l-Qāsim Findariskī,663 one of the Sammākī Saiyids of Astarābād, lived for a time in India and was presented to S̲h̲āh-Jahān in the first and tenth years of his reign, ah 1037–8/ 1628–9 and 1046–7/1637–8. He returned to Persia in the reign of S̲h̲āh Ṣafī (1038–52/1629–42) and died at Iṣfahān in ah 1050 or 1049/1639–41. [Ṭarāʾiq al-ḥaqāʾiq iii p. 70; Ṭāhir Naṣrābādī p. 153 (Ṣaff iii, firqah 1); Amīn Pāds̲h̲āh-nāmah, k̲h̲ātimah; Riyāḍ al-s̲h̲uʿarāʾ; Ātas̲h̲-kadah; K̲h̲ulāṣat al-afkār no. 327; Mak̲h̲zan al-g̲h̲arāʾib no. 62; Riyāḍ al-ʿārifīn pp. 276–8; Majmaʿ al-fuṣaḥāʾ ii pp. 6–7; Rieu ii 815 b; Browne Lit. Hist. iv p. 257.]

Ṣināʿīyah , or Ṣanāʾiʿ , or Ḥaqāʾiq al-ṣanāʾiʿ , or Maʿrifat (or Ḥadd al-ṣanāʾiʿ , etc., on crafts and professions, their relative importance and mutual relations: D̲h̲arīʿah vii p. 34, Mus̲h̲ār i 571, Rieu ii 815b (17th cent.), 834a xv (17th cent.), Mas̲h̲had iv p. 204 no. 889 (late 18th cent.), i fṣl 1, mss., no. 202, Bodleian 1298 (2), Rehatsek p. 118, no. 9, Majlis 644 (5) (ah 886. An impossible date).It is possible that the Risālah dar ʿilm i kīmiyā (see pl . ii § 763 is also a copy of this work.Editions: Bombay 1267/1850–1 (with the Ak̲h̲lāq i Nāṣirī. D̲h̲arīʿah loc. cit.); Tihrān a.h.s. 1317/1938–9 (ed. ʿAlī Akbar S̲h̲ihābī. Mas̲h̲had iv p. 327, Mus̲h̲ār i 571).

§ 739. M. b. M. Rafīʿ, entitled Malik al-kuttāb, S̲h̲īrāzī was born in 1269/1852–3 (see pl . i § 662, etc.).

k. Kas̲h̲f al-ṣināʿah wa-mak̲h̲zan al-biḍāʿah al-musammā bah Muntak̲h̲abāt i Muḥammadī , on various arts: Bombay 1306/1888–9 (Āsafīyah ii p. 1756); 1311/1894° (Chitra Prabhā Pr. 194 pp.); 1322/1904–5 (Faiḍ-rasān Pr. See ʿAlīgaṛh Subḥ. ptd. bks. p. 44, under Kimiyā).

§ 740. Appendix

Majmūʿat al-ṣanāʾiʿ , as in most of the mss., or Majmūʿ al-ṣanāʾiʿ , as in Browne Suppt. 1501 (4), or Majmaʿ al-ṣanāʾiʿ , as in Ivanow 1621, or Jawāhir al-ṣanāʾiʿ , as in Browne Suppt. 361 and Ivanow Curzon 631, (beg. Ḥ. u sp. i badīʿ al-asās), instructions for the preparation of artificial gems, dyes, inks, etc., and for various other chemical and technological operations, divided usually into forty-two or forty-three bābs (enumerated with some variations in Ethé 2783 and Maʿārif ii 261), nearly always without mention of the author’s name but occasionally ascribed in headings or colophons to ḥakīm i failasūf i Mag̲h̲ribī (Ethé 2783, Bānkīpūr xi 1074) and at least once (Ethé 2781) to Mīr Yaḥyā: Bodleian 1870 (disorderly and slightly defective. Ḥaidarābād, ah 1033/1624), 1869 (ah 1100/1688), 1871, Ethé 2781 (ah 1147/1734), 2782, 2783 (43 bābs, the last on ātas̲h̲bāzī, 212 faṣls. Author stated here to be Ḥakīm i failasūf i Mag̲h̲ribī. ah 1194/1780), Āṣafīyah ii p. 1224 no. 40 (ah 1189/1775), Browne Suppt. 361 (= King’s 130. Jawāhir al-ṣanāʾiʿ ah 1195/1781), 1501 (4) (= Christ’s Dd. 3.2 (4). 96 bābs), Browne Coll. P. 32 (3) (ah 1259/1843), Rieu ii 489b (18th cent.), Bānkīpūr xi 1074 (43 bābs. Ascribed in the heading to Ḥakīm i failasūf i Mag̲h̲ribī. 19th cent.), Būhār 220 (40 bābs, 160 faṣls. 19th cent.), Ivanow 1621 (19th cent.), Curzon 631 (Jawāhir al-ṣanāʾiʿ. 24 numbered bābs followed by two unnumbered (probably not belonging to the work) on conjuring up dīws and parīs. Early 19th cent.), Lahore Panjāb Univ. ( ocm . x/1 p. 98), Leyden v p. 268 no. 2687 (Utrecht 24), Maʿārif ii 261, probably also Āṣafīyah ii p. 1756 nos. 218 (Majmaʿ al-ṣ.), 223 (same title), and Rehatsek p. 109 no. 11 (Ṣanāʾiʿ u badāʾiʿ).Editions (?): place? 1209 (sic? = 1794–5] (Majmaʿ al-ṣ. Āṣafīyah ii p. 1756 no. 252); Calcutta 1264/1848* (Majmaʿ al-ṣ. Āftāb i ʿālamtāb Pr.); place? 1295/1878 (Majmūʿ al-ṣ., by Ḥakīm Kāmrān S̲h̲īrāzī. Āṣafīyah ii p. 1756).Turkish translation: M. al-ṣ., made by order of Abdāl K̲h̲ān [presumably the K̲h̲ān of Bidlīs put to death at Istānbūl in 1668]: Flügel ii 1459 (1) (ah 1112/1701).

7.11.1 Bookbinding

§ 741. Risālah i jild-sāzī (beg. Bi-gū ḥamd ān Mujallid rā kih az dam * Kunad juz-bandī i īn jild i ādam), a metrical treatise on bookbinding and the ornamentation of books in nine faṣls and a k̲h̲ātimah, by an author whose name is given in the Madras catalogue (on what authority?) as S. Yūsuf Ḥusain and who mentions as his spiritual guide S̲h̲āh Yad Allāh ʿAlawī, possibly the same person as S̲h̲āh Yad Allāh al-Ḥusainī, at whose request Dīpak Rāy prepared in 1171/1757 an abridgment of the Bahār i dānis̲h̲ (Ivanow 1st Suppt. 781): Madr;ās i 437 (m) (pp. 20. ah 1228/1813), Ivanow 1st Suppt. 919 (foll. 96. ah 1275/1859).

7.11.2 Dyeing

§ 742. ʿAbd al-ʿAlīm M. Naṣr Allāh K̲h̲ān b. ʿUman K̲h̲ān K̲h̲wes̲h̲gī K̲h̲ūrjawī who died at K̲h̲ūrjah on 27 Muḥarram 1299/19 Dec. 1881, has already been mentioned as the author of a Tārīk̲h̲ i Dakan ( pl . i § 1043) and other works.

Numuww al-ṣabbāg̲h̲īn (doubtless a chronogram = 1280/1863–4). Edition: place? 1282/1865–6 (Āṣafīyah ii p. 1758 no. 262); Cawnpore 1287/1871* (pp. 12).

§ 743. Appendix

Treatise on dyeing wool, silk, etc. , by S. Yaḥyā (or Masīḥī) Sabzawārī: Browne Suppt. 1501 (8) (Christ’s).
( Risālah i ʿiṭrhā u ranghā ) (beg. al-Ḥ. l. ’l. ʿaṭṭara mas̲h̲āmma ’l-ʿārifin), on the preparation of perfumes, the art of dyeing and colouring, etc., divided into two bābs ((1) dar tarākīb i argajah u ʿūd i battī u ʿabīr i k̲h̲āṣṣah wa-g̲h̲airah, (2) dar rang kardan i pārc̲h̲ah) and described as drawn from the writings of Abū ’l-Fatḥ Ṭīpū Sulṭān (for whom see pl . i § 1070): Ethé 2785 (foll. 30. ah 1211/1797).

7.11.3 Ink

§ 744. ʿAbd Allah b. Ḥasan b. Ibrāhīm b. Ḥusain Kūhdizī Dāmg̲h̲ānī on going to India failed to find there the good ink and pens necessary for really calligraphic writing. He therefore wrote the Adāt al-kātib, which is based on reminiscences of the methods used by Sulṭān-ʿAlī Mas̲h̲hadī (for whom see pl . ii § 645) and Majnūn (for whom see pl . ii § 644).

Adāt al-kātib (beg. al-Ḥ. l. ’l. faḍḍala midāda ’l-ʿulamāʾ), on the methods of preparing ink: Ivanow Curzon 635 (foll. 15. ah 1247/1831).

§ 745. Of unknown authorship is:

Risālah i Bū-qalamūn (beg. N Wa-’l-qalam wa-mā yasturūn Sp. u st. mar Yaqānah i Bī-c̲h̲ūn kih ba-dū ḥarf i kāf u nūn), on the art of making inks of various colours, translated from an Arabic original (and hence called at the end Tarjamah i Risālah i ranghā), divided into sixty-one ṣanʿats (the first dar sāk̲h̲tan i midād i gul-rang) and dedicated to Maḥmūd-S̲h̲āh b. M.-S̲h̲āh [b. Humāyūn-S̲h̲āh] b. Aḥmad-S̲h̲āh al-Walī al-Bahmanī [ah 887–924/1482–1518]: Ethé 2977 (foll. 108b–139a. ah 1010/1601–2).

7.11.4 Navigation

§ 746. Nawwāb G̲h̲ulām-Muḥammad-G̲h̲aut̲h̲ K̲h̲ān, of the Carnatic, died on 24 Muḥarram 1272/7 October 1855 (see pl . i § 1209).

Safīnat al-najāt fī aḥwāl i jahāzāt , in three chapters: Madrās i 524 (78 pp.).Edition: Safinat-al-Najat (The Barge of Rescue). Edited critically with introduction by Janab Rahim Ahmed Faruqui, Madrās 1950 (29 pp. Nuri Pr. See a review by M. ʿAbd al-Raḥmān K̲h̲ān in Islamic culture xxix/2 (April 1955) p. 152).

7.11.5 Paper

§ 747. Works of unknown date:

( Opusculum on paper , its invention, manufacture and uses): Blochet iv 2206 (19th cent.).
Tarkīb i taiyārī i Kāg̲h̲id̲h̲ i Dihlī , mode of preparation of the Delhi paper: Rien iii 1012 a (19th cent.)
( Traité … dans lequel il est parlé du papier et de sa fabrication …): Decourdemanche s.p. 1942 (1).

7.11.6 Pearls

§ 748. Sarhang M. ʿAlī K̲h̲ān Sadīd al-Salṭanah “‘Ārī” b. Aḥmad K̲h̲ān Mīr-panjah is the author of Miftāḥ al-adab fī tawārīk̲h̲ al-ʿArab, on the history of Baḥrain (Tihrān 1315/ 1897–8 19 pp. Mus̲h̲ār i 1466).

Ṣaid i marwārīd ( K. al-manāṣ fī aḥwāl al-g̲h̲auṣ wa-’l–g̲h̲awwāṣ): ) Ṭihrān a.h.s. 1308/1930* (Modern Pr.Kitāb-furūs̲h̲ī i Ṭihrān according to Mus̲h̲ār. 112 pp. Mus̲h̲ār i 1079)

§ 749. Appendix

Ḍābiṭah i marwārīd (beg…. Īn ḍ. i m. u ṭarīqat i qīmat numūdan i ān munqasim mi-s̲h̲awad ba-muqaddamah u dū faṣl u k̲h̲ātimah), Vatican Pers. 41 (1) (8 foll. 17–18th cent.).

7.11.7 Pyrotechnics

§ 750. Works of unknown date:

Nusk̲h̲ah i ātas̲h̲-bāzī (beg. Ḥ. u sp. i bī-ḥ. mar K̲h̲udāy-rā kih nār rā K̲h̲alīl), a compilation from earlier works, divided into twenty chapters and doubtless written shortly after 1183/ 1769–70, since a firework made for the Shab i Barāt in that year is mentioned: Rieu ii 859a (foll. 177–215. ah 1200/1786?).
Risālah i ātas̲h̲-bāzī: Lahore Panjāb Univ. Lib. (foll. 26. See ocm. x/1 (Nov. 1933) p. 99).
Risālah i ātas̲h̲-bāzī , by Mīr ʿAbbās: [Delhi] 1870* (Nāṣirī Pr. 16 pp.).

7.11.8 Scents

§ 751. Niẓām al-Dīn Maḥmūd, known as Tarsān, b. Maulānā Ḥabīb Allāh al-S̲h̲arīfī (so Ethé, but al-S̲h̲arīf according to the Āṣafīyah catalogue).

ʿItrīyah i Nauras-S̲h̲āhī (beg. Minnat K̲h̲uday-rā ʿazza wa-jalla kih ṭāʾir i nasīm i luṭf i ʿamīm i ū), on perfumes and certain animal and vegetable simples, dedicated to Sulṭān Ibrāhīm ʿĀdil-S̲h̲āh [ii, of Bījāpūr, who reigned 988–1037/1580–1627] and divided into nine maqālahs and eighteen faṣls: Ethé ii 3076 (foll. 42. ah 1069/1658). Āṣafīyah ii p. 1756 no. 217 (ah 1204/1789–90).

§ 752. Appendix

Bustān al-ʿaṭṭārīn , an alphabetical list of aromatic plants, compiled by M. b. ʿAlī b. M. called Tāj al-K̲h̲ujandī from ten medical and other works: Ḥ. K̲h̲. ii p. 51, Leyden iii p. 220 no. 1292 (ah 909/1503–4).
( Risālah dar ʿiṭr ), in five faṣls and fifteen bābs, by M. b. M., known as S̲h̲ams al-Dīn, b. Ẓahīr al-K̲h̲airī: Browne Suppt. 1501 (5) (foll. 236–58. Christ’s, Dd. 3.2).
Risālah i ʿiṭrīyāt: Rehatsek p. 109 no 11 (ah 1197/ 1783).
Nuzhat al-qulūb , on perfumes: Browne Suppt. 1501 (7) (foll. 274–323).

7.11.9 Tailoring

§ 753. Works of unknown date:

Dastūr i k̲h̲aiyāṭī , by Māh-liqā K̲h̲ānum Barhāʾ: Tihrān a.h.s. 1309/1930–1 (134 pp. D̲h̲arīʿah viii p. 153).
Nikāt al-ak̲h̲yāṭ (dar fann i k̲h̲aiyāṭī): Āṣafīyah ii p. 1758 no. 216.

next chapter: 8.1 Alchemy


663 For Findarisk see Rabino Mázandarán and Astarábád pp. 78, 82, etc.

664 Kitāb-furūs̲h̲ī i Ṭihrān according to Mus̲h̲ār.

7.11 Arts and Crafts: Other Arts and Crafts (2024)
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